basehabitat International Summer School

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July 2025

Archive 2023

basehabitat Summer School
July 16 – 30, 2023

The summer school offers practical know-how in the use of natural building materials like earth and bamboo. Every other year about 100 participants and experts from across the globe come together in Altmünster to work and learn together.

  • Learning by doing
  • Practical workshops on building with earth and bamboo
  • Theory classes on sustainable architecture
  • Networking with people from all around the globe

“I hope that after this workshop, many of us will continue sharing our knowledge and collectively we will soon realize projects which could be an answer to many of the challenges of the present time.”

participant, Greece


We want to promote earth and bamboo as excellent materials for sustainable architecture.
Earthen and bamboo architecture has not only a long tradition in human settlement, but it also offers many advantages for contemporary architecture. BASEhabitat wants to foster the consideration of socio-cultural, economical and ecological aspects in the architectural design and construction.

It is necessary to establish a global network and enforce exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of earthen and bamboo architecture.

“Surely the summer school will have a great impact on my future life. New friends and experiences will lead to some future ideas for humanitarian architecture in developing countries and local work.”

participant, India

International Summer School Archive

BASEhabitat Hybrid Summer School
Muntlix, Austria
July 12-16 2021
BASEhabitat International Summer School
on earthen and bamboo construction
Altmünster, Austria
July 16 - 30, 2018
BASEhabitat International Summer School
on earthen and bamboo construction
July 18 - Aug 01, 2016
BASEhabitat International Summer School
on modern earthen and bamboo construction
July 14 - 18, 2014
Earth Works
International Summer School - on modern earthen structures and sustainable architecture
Sept 01 - 18, 2010