BASEhabitat International Summer School
on earthen and bamboo construction


July 16 – 30, 2023



Photo: Bence Szalai

After a long coronavirus break, the Summer School returns to Altmünser in Austria in 2023. In three workshops on different earth building techniques and a newly organised bamboo workshop, the international participants learn to understand the various regenerative builidng materials and how to apply them in construction.

During the Summer School a documentary film was produced by Bence Szalei, collecting statements of many participants and trainers.

Adobe + Earth Blocks: Franco Noriega, Zoé Tric, Isis Roux-Pages (amàco)
Earth + Fibres: Becky Little, Francois Streiff
Rammed Earth: Dominik Abbrederis, Max Weidacher
Bamboo: Luisa and Verónica Correa, Daniel Stamatis (bambuterra)

Material Science: Lehm (amàco) / Bambus (bambuterra)

Organisation: Ulrike Schwantner, Sabine Fehringer, Dominik Abbrederis, Christian Daschek, Tania Teixeira

92 participants from 33 nations
Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Botswana, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United States, United Kingdom

Guest Lectures
Building with rammed earth, challenges and future perspectives (Martin Rauch, AT)
Architektur as a tool to improve lives (Anna Heringer, DE)

Reuse of building components (Andrea Kessler and Peter Kneidinger/ Materialnomaden, AT)
Hempcrete, a composite material of hemp and lime (Elena Janeva/ Hempstatic, AT)
Fungal mycelium, a building material (Jitka Effenberger, Robert Köppe, AT)
New dimensions in building with earth (Stefan Leitner/ Pro Holz Oberösterreich, AT)
Strawbale building, an overview (Herbert Gruber/ Austrian Strawbale Network, AT)

Exhibition Building Futures
A collection of regenerative materials as building materials

Schachinger Logistik, Müller Wohnbau, DOKA Formwork, Mafell AG, Levita Lehm, Zöchbauer Sand und Lehm, LehmTonErde Baukunst, Marktgemeinde Altmünster am Traunsee, amàco

Foto: Bence Szalei

Fotos: Christian Daschek

Fotos: Flavia Matei

Testing a special cob formwork

Fotos: Christian Daschek

Testen einer Schalung für Leichtlehm

Foto: Bence Szalei

Foto: Flavia Matei