Curriculum structure
basehabitat | Postgraduate

The programme consists of 1.5 years of full-time study divided into three terms for a total of 90 ects to obtain the degree. It starts in March 2, 2026 and participants will graduate at the end of September 2027.

1. Theory and Design

March – September (40 ects)

6 months at University of Arts Linz, Austria
3 modules focused on the three aspects of sustainability (social, environmental and economic) anchored by theoretical lessons, seminars and practical workshops.

2. Hands on Experience

October – December (20 ects)

3 months on a basehabitat construction site
Construction phase combined with design aspects and reflections under the guidance of the basehabitat construction manager.

3. Master Thesis

February – July | thesis defense in September (30 ects)

6 months not tied to a particular place
Thesis development that includes theoretical work, architectural design and portfolio under the supervision of a professor.

1. Term: Theory and Design
At the University of Arts Linz
March – September (40 ects)

Anna Heringer
Martin Rauch
Elisa Engel
soon announced

Timeframe 1 term:
March – September

  • During the first semester, students are introduced to various topics and methods from different disciplines, focusing on the three aspects of sustainability (social, environmental and economic) in order to establish a common set of design tools.
  • The term is organised around a project-based design studio with a unique focus each year, anchored by theoretical lectures, seminars and practical workshops.
  • Students will discover natural building materials and explore different techniques to understand how to design with them. Students will also analyse vernacular and contemporary projects and visit some exemplary architectural projects in Austria.
  • Participatory methods and decision-making processes will be explored as a tool to engage with different stakeholders. Students will gain practical skills to start their own community-based projects after their studies.
  • In conjunction with the courses, a theory seminar linked to the design studio fosters an atmosphere of intellectual exchange that challenges the discipline of traditionally conceived architecture.
  • Each year basehabitat organises a one-week practical masterclass led by Martin Rauch.
  • In addition, students begin to define the topic of their thesis project, which is completed in the third semester.
design studio
Project-based studio (10 ects)
theory seminar
Lecture series (5 ects)
sustainability: Environmental aspect
Natural building materials (7 ects)
sustainability: Social aspect
Participatory methods (4 ects)
sustainability: Economic aspect
Social entrepreneurship (4 ects)
practical masterclass
Martin Rauch (5 ects)
Consultation with experts (3 ects)
thesis seminar
Preparation Master Thesis (2 ects)

2. Term: Hands-on Experience
On a basehabitat construction site
October – December (20 ects)

basehabitat construction manager

Timeframe 2 term:
October – December

  • The second term takes the students to a basehabitat construction site, which can be anywhere in the world. The project in which the students are involved is not linked to the design studio of the first term.
  • Students will experience the local context of the project, understand the climatic conditions, available building materials and construction techniques, and visit some architectural examples of the area.
  • Students will plan the construction phase, optimising the architectural solutions and developing the technical details of the project.
  • Working as a team, they will be actively involved in the construction phase under the guidance of the basehabitat site manager. Students will learn how to build with natural materials on a real building site by gaining practical skills.
  • The practical work is followed by a detailed report documenting the construction process, including critical reflections.
hands-on practice
Project not linked to the Design Studio (10 ects)
planning hands-on practice
Preparation (5 ects)
reflections hands-on practice
Documentation (5 ects)

3. Term: Master Thesis
not bound to a particular location
February – July (30 ects)

guest professors basehabitat team

Timeframe 3 term:
February – July

Thesis defence:

  • During this final semester, students develop a Master’s thesis that includes theoretical work and an architectural design, demonstrating their ability to critically synthesise the knowledge acquired in previous semesters and apply it to a personal project.
  • The Master’s thesis is the student‘s individual work under the supervision of a professor. It also includes the portfolio of projects developed during the first and second semesters.
  • Students write their thesis at a place of their choice and the supervision takes place via online communication.
  • The final exam consists of a presentation of the thesis to an audience in Linz or in an online format in September.
master’s thesis 1
Research (10 ects)
master’s thesis 2
Design project (10 ects)
master’s thesis 3
Portfolio (5 ects)
master’s thesis 4
Final presentation and thesis defence (5 ects)

Further information on the Postgraduate Programme: