basehabitat Hybrid Summer School 2021


12. – 16. Juli 2021


Bauen mit nachhaltigen Baumaterialien wie Lehm, Fasern, Bambus


Online Besuche auf internationalen Baustellen.


Hybrid Summer School

12. -16. Juli 2021
Täglich von 13:00-15:30 CET

Online Besuche auf Baustellen auf der ganzen Welt
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FAQ Summer School 21

BASEhabitat Beiträge

BASEhabitat baut derzeit bei Hägi Wendls und wird online Einblick in die Arbeit geben.

Ein Sommer ohne basehabitat Aktivitäten war genug, daher organisieren wir eine Hybrid Summer School.

Unter dem Titel net+working verbinden wir hands-on Aktivitäten, Online-Austausch und Vernetzung.

Während wir mit basehabitat Studierenden auf einer Baustelle in Österreich mit Lehm und Kalk arbeiten, wollen wir uns virtuell mit interessanten Bautsellen auf der ganzen Welt vernetzen, und so Erfahrungen im Bauen mit natürlichen Baumaterialien austauschen.

Für die Online-Konferenzen ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich, die Teilnahme ist gratis.


Schau dir das genaue Programm an!


MON 1:00 pm CET

Intro BASEhabitat

Welcome + Info

Wall to Ground to Wall - Earth as a Circular Material / Tania Teixeira

Ourique, Alentejo, Portugal

This talk is about the conversion of an old rammed earth farm shelter into a family home in Ourique, Alentejo.

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In a mix of traditional formwork and some mechanical ramming, part of the walls are being constructed from the ruins of the old rammed earth walls and from the demolition material of damaged walls. The local earth will also be used by the owners to produce adobe bricks with their own hands for some details of the project. The ground properties on site are incredible: it is one of those rare cases where digging, mixing with some water close to the walls and infilling the formwork happens easily. You can feel the tradition happening in front of you. An experienced builder, who saw the masters performing the technique when he was young, uses the technique for repairing old walls but has never applied it to the construction of new walls – until now! He is motivated to pass on his know-how once he is convinced of the thermal properties and comfort of rammed earth for Alentejo’s arid climate.

CRU atelier – Tânia Teixeira e Filipa Cabrita, Architects

Community Driven Projects / Nripal Adhikary (ABARI)

Dhulikhel, Chitwan, Nepal

ABARI is a socially and environmentally committed research, design and construction firm that examines, encourages, and celebrates the vernacular architectural tradition of Nepal. As Nepal posses sophisticated traditional knowledge of natural materials like adobes, bamboos, stones and reed, ABARI tries to promulgate these materials into contemporary design practices.

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We will share a community driven project in Nepal, where we will discuss how our project mobilises bamboo that we have planted along a degraded river bank and trained local people to make socially responsible constructions like low cost housing, monastery and residences.

TUES 1:00 pm CET

Intro BASEhabitat

Welcome + Info

Building with Earth on an Organic Farm / Ahmed Abdelgawad (Hand Over)

Nuweibaa, Sinai, Egypt

Hand Over is a SME that aims at developing and implementing turn key building solutions that contribute to sustainable community development. For the past 5 years the main focus was using earth construction techniques in public building such as schools, community centers, etc. Parallel to the Hybrid Summer School, an earth building workshop will take place at a Farming and Art Space, with about 15 participants from Egypt. Ahmed is going to present some of the workshop activities, and the community centre of St. Catherine, where medical support for villagers in a remote area of Sinai is provided.

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Young architects are being trained in earth construction, they do a combination of temporary and permanent elements, experimenting with different techniques. The aim of the workshop is to complete a rammed earth decorative wall that acts as a space separator between the existing facilities at the farm and their future expansion. The wall is stabilized rammed earth and all the raw materials are locally sourced. Other elements of the workshop are the production of adobe bricks and some arches and maybe even a vault, as well as clay based plastering.

Critical Reflections on Social Architecture / Nutan Jaeger

Abetenim, Ghana

Evaluation of finished projects is essential to the development of future projects. Nutan takes us back to a housing project in Ghana, reflecting critically on different aspects of social architecture.

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Critical evaluation of older projects is essential to the development of future projects. Having clear goals for the start and then then looking back to see how well these goals were achieved can only lead to a better understandings of one’s work. Often times social architecture projects that are meant to improve habitats and raise living standards in resource-poor areas tend to over burden the community they are meant to help, and tend to award the project designers over their intended inhabitants. I will talk about the NKCSOC House, a 2 room house using rammed earth and adobe brick, built for the Abetenim Arts Village in 2015. Although considered a success by many, further reflections reveal several missed opportunities the project could have yielded, in terms of serving the communities’ social and economic needs, inter-cultural and gender issues, and toll on local resources.

Nutan Jäger, M. Arch, Architect and Independent Researcher

Redesign of Domestic Violence Shelters / Joana Torres (oficina design)

New York City, USA

oficinas design and Urban X Studio Architecture are working with 3 NYC agencies to enhance the communal spaces in domestic violence shelters across the city.
This project – Environments Promoting Wellness and Resilience (EmPWR) – focuses on how the built environment of domestic violence shelters can contribute to the wellbeing of survivors and their children.
We are engaging survivors and staff within 6 shelters in NYC in a participatory design process to identify needs and opportunities that promote healing, resilience and dignity through design changes.

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Survivors and staff have been involved in the design and selection of space through an array of activities such as group interviews and games, design presentations, brainstorming sessions, individual and anonymous surveys.
Over the past months, with the guidance of survivors and shelter staff, we re-designed one communal dining room, one childcare and one outdoor play area, serving hundreds of survivor families. Construction will start very soon.

WED 1:00 pm CET

Intro BASEhabitat

Welcome + Info

H&M Homestay / Shahveer Irani (Put Your Hands Together)

Nasik, Maharashtra, India

Put Your Hands Together (PYHT) is an NGO founded in 2011 by Shahveer Irani (Architect, graduate of Rizvi College of Architecture under Mumbai University.)
The NGO is currently working on a homestay for Harish and Meghna. What is special about the project is the way they have sourced the materials, created a flat green roof from bamboo, and applied the flat dome technology which is very cost-effective and fast to build.

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The homestay consists of 3 cottages for guests ( two two-room cottages and one studio with a pantry) and a 2-bedroom home for the clients.
Walls – stone, earth , Roof for cottages – bamboo green roof, Roof for the home – brick flat domes.
Stone was sourced from an old house that was broken down in a city 50km away, some from a quarry 1km away
Earth and rice husk for the COB is from the site itself
Bamboo was shipped from the state of Tripura.

Sustainable Innovation of Rammed Earth Construction / Giada Giuffrida

Catania, Italy

The focus of the presentation is a novel type of reinforced modular rammed earth construction, made with natural, low-cost or waste materials from other production chains. Giada Giuffrida is Ph.D. Student at the University of Catania, Building Engineer focused on the use, development and diffusion of innovative bio-based buildings and composites.

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This novel rammed earth technology is characterized by low energy consumptions and environmental impacts, and it is specifically designed for areas with a high seismic risk and severe thermal and energy regulations. This technology has been developed within my doctoral studies, on the basis of what I discovered on seismic resistant earth constructions during my secondment at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru and together with the local manufacturer Guglielmino Soc. Coop. I think this work is interesting because it gives some insight into the possible industrial application for naturally reinforced rammed earth construction.

Ceramic Waste as Architectural Material / Caroline Cheng (Yi Design)

Jingdezhen, China

Yi Design’s mission is to find a solution for the colossal amount of ceramic waste produced in China. They have invented a ceramic waste management system and are developing a new building material which is less resource-intensive. Working with knowledgeable people from around the world, they have started a lab to rethink waste and transform it into new building materials. Their plan is to make bricks, tiles, products and artwork.

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In the ceramic production town of Jingdezhen, currently most of the waste is dumped illegally as there is no government policy to recycle the material. Since there is no solution in place to deal with waste, Yi Design has taken it upon themselves to initiate a community project. They reached out to factories in town to collect their waste material and are work with local authorities to help build a factory to realize their mission. They are also collaborating with local garbage contractors to go to factories and persuade them to separate the domestic garbage from the ceramics, collect it and deliver to the organization’s storage facility.

Caroline Cheng is Yi Design Co-founder, Artist and Designer

THU 1:00 pm CET

Intro BASEhabitat

Welcome + Info

Designing and Building a 17th Century Scottish Creel House / Tom Morton & Becky Little

Glencoe, Highlands of Scotland

Tom Morton (Arc Architects) and Becky Little (Rebearth) are designing and building a 17th century Scottish Creel House, the first of its kind in over 300 years. Their client is the National Trust for Scotland.

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Becky and Tom started this adventure together with a team of specialist builders and craftspeople. They are using local materials and traditional techniques like cruck frame, turf walls, daub and heather thatch.

Mechanical properties of existing cob walls / Alejandro Jimenez Rios


In his research work Alejadro started to apply the “flat jack tests” to existing cob walls with historical value. The single and double flat jack tests were originally developed to be applied in the field of rock mechanics, then adapted for masonry walls and more recently have been adapted to be applied on cob walls.

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Alejandro’s research interests are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and focus specifically in Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. He is mainly interested in the conservation of architectural heritage built with natural materials (earthen, fibers, timber and bamboo structures) including their historical research, inspection, diagnosis, intervention and monitoring. He is also passionate about the study of vernacular architecture, its ecological, social and economic sustainability aspects, and the understanding of how traditional construction techniques could be better preserved and adapted to create contemporary sustainable and resilient buildings.
Alejandro Jimenez Rios is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Furniture Objects & Interior Design with Raw Earth / Gian Franco Noriega (amàco)


As a scientific and technical expert in construction with bio- and geo-sourced materials, amàco invests in the world of furniture, objects and interior design as an unlimited field to reveal the beauty of raw materials surrounding us, such as earth. Amàco believes that the contemporary design universe allows the exploration of new building techniques in raw earth and uncovers the aesthetic possibilities of materials. The process involves our emotions by reconnecting us to natural materials and building practices.

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Since 2018 amàco has been creating furniture, objects and interiors with raw earth – from scenography walls with earth plasters to rammed-earth bar projects. This presentation will present in detail some earthen design projects carried out by the amàco team. The picture is taken from the project CURVE, depicting a detail of earthen furniture in a new office building in the Paris region (Saint Denis) realised by amàco. Gian Franco Noriega is a Peruvian and French architect. He is an architect researcher and trainer at amàco since 2013 and works mainly on the development of the constructive potential of natural materials in contemporary architecture and design.

FRI 1:00 pm CET

Intro BASEhabitat

Welcome + Info

On Site at Haegi Wendls / BASEhabitat

Muntlix, Vorarlberg, Austria

It’s already been a year that BASEhabitat has been working together with local craftsmen on the construction site Haegi Wendls in the east of Austria. The project is a house conversion, conserving existing structures as far as possible and using natural materials like earth, fibres and timber. While normally the house would be demolished and rebuilt, the owners are opting for a gentle conversion. This can only be achieved with passion, know-how and a lot of physical effort.
During the Summer School, workshops were held on site, some of which created temporary elements, but they also continue to work directly on the house.

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BASEhabitat students learn to make rammed earth floors (Dominik Abbrederis), clay plaster (Carlos Covarrubias) and lime surfaces (Christian Giongo) and share the experiences of a week of construction site work.

Regeneration of Traditional Persian Earth Plaster, Pedagogy and Hands-on Experiences / Aida Zare

Shiraz and Zeraee, Iran

Earth plasters were vastly used in Persian traditional architecture for years. According to the function of the buildings, available materials and climatic matters there are a lot of plaster diversity in different regions of Iran. Most famous and frequent plasters in interior architecture were “straw and clay” and “Sarooj: Persian lime Plaster”. These are completely faded in contemporary constructions; especially in cities.

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Due to different biological benefits, IEQ and healthcare matters, cultural values and originality it is significant to reexamine traditional earth plaster techniques in contemporary architecture. We have tried to regenerate these plasters in different projects in recent years.
Aida Zare Mohazzabieh is a Lecturer at Shiraz University of Arts, Ph.D of Architecture, Master of Sustainable Architecture. She is the founder of Gel Studio: and architecture research and design studio. The primary focus in her research and projects is the creation of healthy, high-quality and eco-friendly spaces by applying innovative methods of architectural design and utilizing natural materials.

An Attempt to Modernize the Tradtional Cob / François Streiff (CobBauge)

Manche, France

Cob, like other massive earthen construction techniques, hardly meets the criteria of current thermal regulations in many countries. Like all traditional techniques, it requires a lot of labor, contributing to making it economically inaccessible. Cobbauge seeks to optimize the earth / fiber mixtures and to modernize the implementation processes in an attempt to provide an answer to these barriers to the contemporary use of cob. Laboratory research continues today with the construction of a first prototype which explores various constructive arrangements linked to the simultaneous use of load-bearing cob and light earth for insulation.

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François will give us an update on his current work at the construction site of the Norman prototype that is under construction in the department of Manche.
François Streiff is architect and project manager in eco-materials and eco-construction, working in the Regional Nature Park of the Marshes of Cotentin and Bessin.

basehabitat Hybrid Summer School 2021


12. – 16. Juli 2021


Online visits to construction sites around the globe.

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