Unlearning with the transnational construction site
Marlene Wagner (buildcollective)

BASEhabitat Lecture Series #12

Tue, Nov. 12, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Rooftop room D, 4th floor
diearchitektur, University of Arts Linz

Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

Also available online via Zoom.

The lecture interweaves architectural projects with terms and concepts from feminist, post- and decolonial perspectives, not as classical learning from, but as unlearning through work on transnational construction sites. Between Austria and South Africa, theory and practice, discourse and materiality, teaching method, service and self-construction, colonial entanglements and questions of the agency of architecture are critically reflected upon and put up for discussion.

Marlene Wagner practices, researches and teaches social architecture, transformative processes and critical spatial production. With the non-profit architectural practice buildCollective NPO, she has realised excellent educational and infrastructure buildings in various international partnerships. She develops formats and tools for co-creation and was instrumental in setting up an urban mobility lab. Marlene is working on her PhD, is part of the Claiming*Spaces collective at TU Wien, the international research network Decolonising Development and co-founder of the Vienna Architecture Summer School. www.marlenewagner.online