The Diözesan Art Award 2022 Architecture goes to BASEhabitat Master student Lena Lisbeth Teufl.
She has set herself two current and pressing topics as her task: Living in old age and with impairments, and farm deaths in rural areas. As a critical starting point, she describes the strongly functionally oriented accommodation of ageing people in inpatient nursing homes and the limited time resources in mobile care, each of which restricts self-determined living in old age. She contrasts this with the design for a day centre in the context of a former farm.
Her concern is to show a model of how to create intergenerational living with a newly built day centre for old and sick people through existing use and additions on a former farm. Recognising that the existing buildings are difficult to adapt for barrier-free use, intergenerational housing is proposed in these structures. The new building placed next to it, houses a day centre with an adjoining goat shed and enjoyable open spaces.
Supervision of the master thesis: Michael Zinner.