Sponsors and Partners


In addition to the various project sponsors, listed with the individual projects, BASEhabitat is supported by some essential promoters, who help us to realise our visions!

Levita Lehm

The company Levita Lehm is supporting us with their earth building materials in our workshops, summer school and local construction projects.

Government of Upper Austria

The “Direktion für Landesplanung, wirtschaftliche und ländliche Entwicklung“ is an important sponsor for our construction projects. With the support of the government of Upper Austria we were able to pay construction materials and local workers.

Karl Zünd Foundation

The Karl Zünd Foundation has been opening new perspectives through the financing of the position of a construction site manager from 2016 – 2023. This has helped us to further develop and professionalise our international construction activities, provide more training for local workers, and continue to collaborate in construction and research with partners around the world.
This generous support by Karl Zünd Foundation has given an important incentive for our future work.

Project Sponsors



atelier matières à construire

Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst

Martin Rauch, Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH

Lehmbau BOKU

Earthen architectural heritage in Austria

BASEhabitat is a member of:
Netzwerk Lehm

Partner des:
UNESCO Chair of Earthen Architecture